If you read and liked WHAT you read...

Saturday, August 9, 2008

A beginners guide to Procastination

You know guys...This guide has been in the works, but I didn't realize it would take this long, and i had some other stuff to do...

Well, actually...I'll work on this when i get the time..

Monday, July 28, 2008

Yea man cuz i is gangstaaaaaa!!!111

Okay, before i even START this article, I must say a couple of things:
1.Blind Prophet came up with this idea
2.I don't know why i agreed
3.I'm not a racist.

Okay, so, for once, I tricked you people with the article's title. No, I know you people think its another internet acronym page, but it's actually about how "black people are all gangstas" (According to Blind Prophet)

I have plenty of experience with racism. Not me being the racist, but black people being racist to me. But then again, if it's a white person, its racism. Black person? Justification for what white ancestors have done to black ancestors. Not what we have done. Now, that is retarded all by itself, how, if you happen to be black, you can throw every slur in the book at anyone..But if it is vice versa, it is nothing but racism, a hate crime, and that person needs to be beaten up.

Now, not to upset Blind Prophet, but to be biased and to go off on something else, but good God almighty, i hate white racists. Stupid, retarded, gay, arrogant, ignorant are all words that can describe these people. Okay, so, over 200 years ago, white people owned black people as slaves. That is one of mankind's greatest mistakes. But now, slavery obolished, discrimination mainly taken out, they still have a stupid jerkoff who goes off on black people. Okay, explain to me?What makes you so special. You live in a trailer (not to be so steryotypical), probably drink more beer than i drink any drink, and go on about people who just happen to have a little more pigment in their skin than you. You sir, are a douche. You are not better. By thinking you are better, it makes you worse. Nice job defeating the whole purpose on commenting on different people, sherlock.

Now to go on about racist black people. Now, i use this term usely, but i consider a black person racist if they call any white person, whether they know your name or not, white boy. My friend's dad, calls me white boy, i don't hate him. But he ain't on the top of my list to bring on with a dream vacation. These people think since people have discrimanated against, gives them the right to do so back, sometimes worse, even going into violence.
Yeah, great idea! Try to solve a small portion of white's population by hating on all of the population. That's only going to get more people to hate on you, douche.

y do i have to be blown into oblivion, Tacoon?

Notice something wrong?Didn't?Douche, read the article's title.

Day by day i brink closer to the edge of insanity because of stupid people. Real life is worse than the internet, because you actually hear the big-headed, pimple-faced snob who says the retarded statement.

So here is my alternitive when real life is a little too much. When i restrain myself from smashing their skull into a concrete wall.The internet.

There is the topic of the day, a new trend, which kind of relates to my "Can i get the tyme" article.

The use of the word "y" istead of "why"
This mostly has been occuring to me on Naruto Ninja Faith. Especially when they question my decisions. Or when it is something of common sense, they are just too stupid to comprehend this. I mean, really?Your so stupid to stoop to the level of subsituting TWO LETTERS, two letters ladies and gentlemen (I know its alot, but come on, you know you could pump out less than of a second to type out those letters) for a word. So, not only you are disobeying my decisions as an administrator, your making yourself even more of an ignorant jerkoff by typing "y" over "why"..?I don't get the point. Please, beg some more. You've already earned yourself a nice old pimp slap. Keep it up and your about to earn a boot right up the cheeks.

I seriously wonder every single day, why did God make stupid people?To make normal people look intelligent?I guess without stupid people, we couldn't be considered intelligent.

What makes a "noob" a noob.

Requested by Blind Prophet

This will ALWAYS be an article-in-progress. As long as douchebags roam the internet, this article will be tweaked and updated. Until we have a team that finds said douchebags,destroys their computer,obliterates their modem/router,threatens their ISP with death threats to never let stupid people have internet,and ultimatly beat the douchebag until they cant stand, this article will be up.

Wow, i'd like to know where to start.. With so much material that these stupid people give me, i don't see how i can't come up with something.

Well...I hate to see it, i can't come up with an article about it.What makes a noob...Is like all my articles rolled up into one huge,cheap,spit on,old,nasty,messy burrito.

I can clear some things up, though:
Common misconception:Noob does NOT mean a new person.
Correction:Newbie does.

Common misconception: Being a noob DOES NOT make you cool. Apparently some guy thinks being a noob is good.
Correction:It makes you a complete douchebag for thinking so.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Bow down.

To the gods known as Co.Nr

.CO.NR Free Domain

Some things better not known

I was reading something on the internet, so i dropped in on NNF..And this is what i found

Player - (Genin) Feng Shui Reska where are you?! I need you to drag your sack to safety.
Administrator/Host Level 3 - (Hokage) Tacoon Woah, what an awkward chat message to come back too.

I still haven't been told what was the cause of this...Awkward quote, but then again, im not sure if i want to know.

Update: This is getting creepier by the minute.

Player - (Genin) Feng Shui With mutli wounds from the rocks with whom I have to sleep with.
Administrator/Host Level 3 - (Hokage) Tacoon Wow, he has rocks in his sack?

Player - (Genin) Feng Shui His pokeball sack
Player - (Genin) Feng Shui hes so good
Player - (Genin) Feng Shui he gets rocks
Player - (Genin) Feng Shui to capture monsters like me

Update: I don't know, don't ask me

Player - (Genin) Feng Shui Ah
Player - (Genin) Feng Shui You're making him like Michael Jackson.
Player - (Genin) Feng Shui our relationship is very simple.
Player - (Genin) Feng Shui I'm a pokemon.
Player - (Genin) Feng Shui He's a pokemon trainer.
Player - (Genin) Feng Shui He forces me to sleep and live in his sack.
Player - (Genin) Feng Shui And in return... I do what he says.
Administrator/Host Level 3 - (Hokage) Tacoon WOAH


Player - (Genin) Feng Shui Hes my master.
Player - (Genin) Feng Shui I don't have a choice.
Player - (Genin) Feng Shui He has yet to give me some air though.
Player - (Genin) Feng Shui This sack is sufocating.
Administrator/Host Level 3 - (Hokage) Tacoon Woah, so...You'd do ANYTHING he wants

Saturday, July 26, 2008

How much i hate jay

Administrator/Host Level 3 - (Hokage) Tacoon I cant put into words how annoying, stupid, ignorant, arrogant, homosexual, evil, and retarded you are.
Administrator/Host Level 3 - (Hokage) Tacoon I'd run out of space, probbaly.

'Nuff said.


By reading/commenting on this blog, you hereby give up your soul, body,mind, money, property, kids family, to me.

Any material written on here is rightfully mine, unless credit is given to the author. Do not take any material from this blog, because by reading it, you agree not to. You may give links to this blog, and take material from this blog, as long as you give a link to it and give full credit to me.

Also, I shall not be held responsible for any exploding item(s), things being destroyed, Earth being taken over, losing your sanity, or any other act that would be out of my hands for writing on this webpage.

Sarcastic remarks

Sarcasm, the thing that brings life to people. I LOVE sarcasm.

You believed that trash? Ever realized this is a rant?
I'm not the biggest advocate of sarcasm. I use it, but only when its needed.
Some people take it way too far. I hate that. A lot of people do it, but MAN, people don't know the limit. Especially when your apparently annoyed, they have that attention whore in the back who has to make a scene by making trouble between you and them. Sometimes when your not even mad, you just don't want to hear it. What makes me what to smash someones face into a pail of cement, then slam them on the back of the head with a shovel is that when you WARN them, that you really are not in the mood. It makes me want to explode, or better yet gouge their eyes out, when you warn them, and they continue. At this point, i want to punt kick your face off, but don't get me started when they CONTINUE when you have warned them twice. God only knows the torment i would bring upon them if they continued. This has only happened to me on a game, but I dont want to meet the guy after i get through with them if this were to happen in real life.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Can I get the "tyme"

Well one word has been getting on my nerves lately..Actually, it isnt a word. Well, to some thug Gangsters maybe, but not in my dictionary, folks. Tyme. An internet acronym.
Internet acronyms are too big in numbers. Lol, rofl, and a few key others should be allowed the right to be typed by people. Others and the people who use them should be shot. In the knee. With a shotgun.

But then again, the word in question, "Tyme", which has been proven to not be a word, shouldnt be an acryonym. It doesn't take off some stress on the fingers but taking out the amount of letters in the word.Whats the point?

Update:I have learned that people with the word "time" followed by "4" then ending with "pie"/having "Eleet" in their name are homosexual all of the time. No matter the gender. They are little goblins that run around try to suck on as much penis as they can get their hands onto.
Update:I have blocked two/three people from MSN over this "acronym" already.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

First topic

Well, you are currently on the internet, am I wrong? So, why not put my first rant about something you find more commonly then anywhere else on this planet, or dimension. Insults.

Some of them original, some funny. Majority stolen, majority not funny. I emphasize that majority part. Well, today i'm going to go at one particular insult for right now.."Get a life". Admit it, you have gotten told this insult many times. It is overused daily. And the worst part of it being overused besides the fact that its not original, nor funny, oh no, its not even true. To be honest, if you look at it from my point of view, it is funny. How, you may ask? Well, it shows some true personality and some of their traits as a human being.

First off is their ignorance, for thinking the joke is funny/original/makes you look cool. People, its the internet, no one knows you, unless they know you in real life. It wont make a difference as much if they care deeply about you, or they hate you! They havent seen you in real life, and by impossible odds against it, money says you wont.

Second, it shows how hyprocitcal you are. Yes, if you use this insult, it instantly brings you to the rank of hypocricy equal/higher than Al Gore himself.Thats if you use it once. God only knows how much you practicly talk about yourself if you use it multiple time. It shows your hypocrictical, for many of reasons. The main reason is: Your on the internet buddy. To break this down further: Your on the internet as a user, as myself, therefore making you equal to myself (I use the word myself as in im the one the insult being used on). So, that pretty much means your fighting with "yourself", depending on how you look at it. Further breaking it down: If you are saying I need a life, money ALSO says that you are on the same forum/game/whatever that im on.Once again, your slapping yourself in the face.Further breaking it down: Your spending the time of your marvelous life (If you speak about me having a life, you must have a pretty good life.) comments/chatting to me, typing out that tedious message you call an "insult"(get a life). And from personal experience, i have noticed a conversation before the insult is thrown in is almost 100% of the time, and also the person using the insult LOSING that arguement. (Internet arguements might be another topic, how would I know) So, if life, as you call it, is so great and beautiful to the point where i must go get one, why dont you go live it?I mean, i understand sharing, but, it sounds pretty good to me?

Final point: The insult overall is an epic failure, as an insult. Every human being has a life, if you dont, you wouldnt be participating in anything. If you are arguing with a computer, which obviously has no life, you have problems. As I said, 9 out of 10 your losing that arguement if you throw out that insult from that peice of garbage you call a keyboard. So therefore, if they dont have a life, your losing an arguement to A COMPUTER. And, as of now (9:30 PM central time, July 23: 2008), computers arent capable of arguing, from what i know, and if they are, they must suck at it. Horribly.


Welcome to my blog. You are only reading this probbaly because you either 1. Know me in real life 2.I told you of this 3. You are a stalker.

I will be ranting on random topics on here, don't like it? Go somewhere else.

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