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Monday, July 28, 2008

y do i have to be blown into oblivion, Tacoon?

Notice something wrong?Didn't?Douche, read the article's title.

Day by day i brink closer to the edge of insanity because of stupid people. Real life is worse than the internet, because you actually hear the big-headed, pimple-faced snob who says the retarded statement.

So here is my alternitive when real life is a little too much. When i restrain myself from smashing their skull into a concrete wall.The internet.

There is the topic of the day, a new trend, which kind of relates to my "Can i get the tyme" article.

The use of the word "y" istead of "why"
This mostly has been occuring to me on Naruto Ninja Faith. Especially when they question my decisions. Or when it is something of common sense, they are just too stupid to comprehend this. I mean, really?Your so stupid to stoop to the level of subsituting TWO LETTERS, two letters ladies and gentlemen (I know its alot, but come on, you know you could pump out less than of a second to type out those letters) for a word. So, not only you are disobeying my decisions as an administrator, your making yourself even more of an ignorant jerkoff by typing "y" over "why"..?I don't get the point. Please, beg some more. You've already earned yourself a nice old pimp slap. Keep it up and your about to earn a boot right up the cheeks.

I seriously wonder every single day, why did God make stupid people?To make normal people look intelligent?I guess without stupid people, we couldn't be considered intelligent.

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