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Monday, July 28, 2008

Yea man cuz i is gangstaaaaaa!!!111

Okay, before i even START this article, I must say a couple of things:
1.Blind Prophet came up with this idea
2.I don't know why i agreed
3.I'm not a racist.

Okay, so, for once, I tricked you people with the article's title. No, I know you people think its another internet acronym page, but it's actually about how "black people are all gangstas" (According to Blind Prophet)

I have plenty of experience with racism. Not me being the racist, but black people being racist to me. But then again, if it's a white person, its racism. Black person? Justification for what white ancestors have done to black ancestors. Not what we have done. Now, that is retarded all by itself, how, if you happen to be black, you can throw every slur in the book at anyone..But if it is vice versa, it is nothing but racism, a hate crime, and that person needs to be beaten up.

Now, not to upset Blind Prophet, but to be biased and to go off on something else, but good God almighty, i hate white racists. Stupid, retarded, gay, arrogant, ignorant are all words that can describe these people. Okay, so, over 200 years ago, white people owned black people as slaves. That is one of mankind's greatest mistakes. But now, slavery obolished, discrimination mainly taken out, they still have a stupid jerkoff who goes off on black people. Okay, explain to me?What makes you so special. You live in a trailer (not to be so steryotypical), probably drink more beer than i drink any drink, and go on about people who just happen to have a little more pigment in their skin than you. You sir, are a douche. You are not better. By thinking you are better, it makes you worse. Nice job defeating the whole purpose on commenting on different people, sherlock.

Now to go on about racist black people. Now, i use this term usely, but i consider a black person racist if they call any white person, whether they know your name or not, white boy. My friend's dad, calls me white boy, i don't hate him. But he ain't on the top of my list to bring on with a dream vacation. These people think since people have discrimanated against, gives them the right to do so back, sometimes worse, even going into violence.
Yeah, great idea! Try to solve a small portion of white's population by hating on all of the population. That's only going to get more people to hate on you, douche.

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